Monday 14 September 2015

AHW Magazine Covers

Some scans for your perusal.


  1. Super collector hard-copy mags from yester-millennium, of course ... but still great gems to see (and, for those fortunate enough to have bought them, to keep) ... The photog did a good job of posing the women but even if the moves were scripted during the photo shoots they still would have been well worth it (imho) ... and again, no doubt the eye candy's goal was to sell the mags but even by itself it had a lot of steak sizzle ... I always have an interest in nostalgia and Much Thanks for these ... [BTW ... I assume your Y! Group is click here ... (correct me if I'm wrong) ... If so, I just want to Commend you very much for it ... ]

  2. Do you have any more photos of the Tauny vs Rachel from AHW Battling Girls #4? I know you have the victory posse of Rachel in your catfight slideshow IV. I'd love to see the complete photo lay-out of anything with Rachel. I've found a couple other photos of her wrestling but have no idea where to find more. I'm fascinated, because Rachel is a twin to my significant other.... Lucky ME
